

My sister is a frequenter of sites such as perezhilton.com. She likes her celebrity gossip and candid photos, and hey, who can blame her? Let's be honest, it's really interesting to hear about what the daily life of your favorite movie star or musician is really like. Here's where the Paparazzi come in. I always hear about the Paparazzi ruining lives, so being the curious person that I am, I decide to look wikipedia it. I never realized what horrible people these photographers are. For example, a photographer crashed his car into Catherine Zeta-Jones's car in order to get her out of it. Some photographers were found camping on Susan Sarandon's property, as in her house. And of course the most famous would be the debate of whether Princess Diana's death was due to the Paparazzi they were fleeing from. This seems like a minor subject, but I feel like it's exploitation and pornography. These leeches are making a quick buck out of harassing celebrities. They intentionally try to get a reaction out of them to make the footage more sensational. If you've ever seen a show called TMZ it's all they do. If you haven't seen it, count yourself lucky. It's painful to watch. It's a room full of people saying who they harassed and then showing the footage. It's truly despicable.
This makes me wonder how far is too far. When will something so horrific happen because of the Paparazzi that laws will be put against them. Already there are laws against being too aggressive while getting photos of celebrities. But just look at all the photos of people like Amy Winehouse. It's horrible of course what she's doing to herself and she obviously has some issues that she needs to deal with, but for Christ's sake leave her alone! She's troubled enough without four trillion people trying to get her to look bad. Anyway, I didn't even expect to be writing about this, but after looking at what a person will do to get a stupid photo I had to say something.

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